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Explained: How to condition raw jute rope.

Two methods on turning raw jute ropes into awesome soft and golden jute ropes.

How-To: Conditioning Raw Jute Ropes

Two thoroughly tested and proven methods explained

The conditioning process of jute ropes is shaped by personal preferences and the equipment and materials used. Every user likes to decide for himself how he/she likes his/her ropes best. However, the goal is the same - to reduce the hairiness of jute ropes and turn them into soft and supple beauties.

We describe in detail two methods which we have used and developed to our satisfaction over many years. There is a quick method and a slightly more detailed method. We explain both methods below.

Before you start: We recommend wearing light-coloured clothing for the following work steps and recommend a workplace that can be easily cleaned or vacuumed.

Method 1: The quick way to condition raw jute rope for bondage

  • Cut the ropes to the desired length and knot the ends securely
  • Put the ropes into the tumble dryer
  • 1st cycle of 30mins tumble drying (NO WATER!!)
  • If necessary, remove loose hair from the dryer filter
  • Add a lump of “rope butter” to the ropes in the dryer
  • 2nd cycle of 30mins tumble drying (NO WATER!!)
  • If necessary, remove loose hair from the dryer filter
  • Take the ropes out of the dryer
  • Untangle the knotted bundle of ropes – a lot of love and patience is needed here
  • Light a gas flame and singe each rope meter by meter through a blue (gas) flame. Move forth and back 3 – 4 times. – ATTENTION – Loose fibres can ignite!!
  • Drizzle a linen cloth with a small amount of jojoba oil and wipe each rope clean. Wipe once in each direction.
  • Let the ropes rest by rolling ‘em up loosely and put them in a box (or similar) without lid and air for at least 24 hours or as needed - alternatively hang the ropes over a curtain rod/spar and leave to rest
  • When the odour is gone, the ropes are ready to use.
  • This method can be repeated as needed.

Method 2: The slightly slower method of conditioning raw jute ropes for bondage with better results for

  • Cut the ropes to the desired length and knot the ends securely
  • Coat each rope with rope butter. To do this, uniformly disperse a chunk of butter the size of a hazelnut between your palms and pull each rope through your palms, spreading the butter evenly over the surface of the rope.
  • Place the ropes in laundry nets and put them in the tumble dryer
  • 1st cycle of 90min tumble drying (NO WATER!!)
  • If necessary, remove loose hair from the dryer filter
  • 2nd cycle of 90min tumble drying (NO WATER!!)
  • If necessary, remove loose hair from the dryer filter
  • If necessary, start a 3rd cycle of 30 minutes drying (NO WATER!!). Only a few thin fibres should be visible on the rope surface.
  • Take the ropes out of the dryer
  • Untangle the knotted bundles of rope – a lot of love and patience is needed here
  • Light a gas flame and singe each rope meter by meter through a blue (gas) flame. Move forth and back 3 – 4 times. – ATTENTION – Loose fibres can ignite!!
  • Drizzle a linen cloth with a small amount of jojoba oil and wipe each rope clean. Wipe once in each direction.
  • Let the ropes rest by rolling ‘em up loosely and put them in a box (or similar) without lid and air for at least 24 hours or as needed - alternatively hang the ropes over a curtain rod/spar and leave to rest
  • When the odour is gone, the ropes are ready to use.
  • This method can be repeated as needed.

You can find the rope butter recipe HERE.

Tumble dryer: The duration of the dryer cycles and their effectiveness depends on the individual dryer model. Our model: Siemens VarioPerfekt iQ700. The drying times can therefore be individually adjusted based on the experience with your own device. We use the "cupboard dry" dryer program.

Gas: A propane/butane gas mixture gives the best and cleanest result. We use the Camping-Gaz gas burner Type 206 S.

Important! Conditioning ropes is a repeatable process and extends their lifespan. If you feel your ropes are "dry" or getting hairier, you can singe your ropes with a blue flame and wipe with a jojoba oil laden linen cloth.

What NOT to do with your ropes:
The following actions will break the filaments in the rope and should NOT be performed:
  • Tensioning the rope over a sharp edge or small diameter fixtures
  • Rubbing the rope against a hard surface to remove hair or to “soften” the rope

Wanna try it yourself? 25m coils of high quality raw JBO-free jute rope are available here!

Left image above: raw jute rope AMATSUNAWA 33

Left image: loose jute fibres from the tumble dryer

Right image above: ready-to-use fully conditioned jute rope